# IQNets WARNINGS IQNets never equivocates on warnings. IQNets intends to never mislead any user regarding the limits of that which may be achieved or possible with IQNets. ## How do I achieve privacy and/or anonymity using IQNets? __WARNING:__ If you require privacy and or anonymity for anything illegal, it is almost certainly not possible to achieve either privacy, nor anonymity, using any software known to exist today. IQNets cannot and does not provide that for you, and neither can anything else that we presently know of. ## What if I need legal and/or political protection? __WARNING:__ If you require any sort of legal protection or political protection, IQNets does not and cannot provide that for you. ## Is my computer secure enough to use IQNets? __WARNING:__ No. Most computers are horribly insecure, notwithstanding corporate boasting from the likes of Apple Inc. and Microsoft. Proprietary computer operating systems including Microsoft Windows, Apple OS/X, and all proprietary drivers and firmware for Android, cannot be audited and most likely contain actual back doors, and/or bugs which can be used as back doors, to all of your passwords and data. ## I think I am being personally targetted, how do I use IQNets to fix this? __WARNING:__ If you are being personally targetted by an individual or government, it is most likely only a matter of time before they crack your hardware and sweep sufficient data to parallel construct any charge they wish against you. IQNets is not able to assist you in regards to this. ## I live in ABC, is it legal for me to use IQNets? __WARNING:__ It may not be legal according to statute law, to use IQNets in your jurisdiction. If you require legal advice, we must advise only that you seek legal advice from a lawyer. IQNets cannot and does not provide legal advice. ## Since using IQNets, I have had positive feelings, is this normal? __WARNING:__ When using IQNets, you may experience feelings of elation, happiness and freedom. These feelz can often come when exercising your fundamental human rights, including but not limited to your right to communicate freely and anonymously with other humans, and doing so without being stalked and snooped by others. If you experience negative feelz when using IQNets, stop using IQNets. If you are ill, seek medical advice. ## Incomplete list. __WARNING:__ This list is incomplete. Please add further WARNINGS which are needed. ## __WARNING:__