On Thu, 15 Oct 2020 15:20:30 +1000 jamesd@echeque.com wrote:
He works in an office full of shills, and says what his script tells him to say.
On 2020-10-15 16:59, Punk-BatSoup-Stasi 2.0 wrote:
I'm literally laughing...
Here is a simple shill test. If you are not a shill, should be easy to pass it. There are certain things that shills are not only forbidden to say, but forbidden to acknowledge anyone else saying. Here is a multiple choice test. Your inability to acknowledge the existence of the red pill answer, A, will reveal that your shilling work is supervised, and subject to fixed bureaucratic rules Some of these tests work only on Soros shills, some work only on Democratic party shills, and some work only on FBI shills, but this test works on all shills so far. They cannot give an answer that would implicitly acknowledge the existence of the red pill answers: Prove your not a shill by answering this multiple choice RedPill on women question. Just copy and paste the entire answer in your reply. If you disagree with the RedPill answer, answer A, *copy* *paste* *that *answer* and fisk it. Should we make pornography illegal? [A] No, because male desire for sexual gratification is not causing society any problems. Now, we should ban gay, tranny, and cuck porn. And we should ban romance novels, i.e. porn for women. But heterosexual porn, especially if it depicts violent rape, will be allowed, and documentation of little prepubescent girls fucking their dogs will be required material for anyone who wants to be a member of the priesthood, not because it is nice to watch, but because it is incredibly red pilling. [B] No, because pornography allows us to learn about various fetishes and alternative sexual practices, and that is valuable knowledge. [C] Yes, because pornography is how the (((Synagogue of Satan))) destroyed our TFR. Before the advent of pornography, there were fecund marriages and stable families, but then we let in these Semitic parasites, and they singlehandedly turned all our women to porn sluts and all our men to incels. Were it not for Jewish pornographers, we would all have big families, just like we had in Hitler’s Germany. Similarly to Brave New World, the Jews are using our own desires to control us – so it’s more like a Brave JEW World, am I right? [D] No, but Child Porn should still be illegal, because whenever you look at an image of a child being abused, you are both encouraging the production of more CP, and repeating the original abuse. [E] No, but we should require all porn actors to wear condoms, in order to protect the actors and actresses from venereal diseases, and to teach the viewers — who are often our own sons — to use contraceptives. Porn is spiritual poison, but it’s not realistic to ban all of it, so we should focus instead on protecting the sex workers — who are often our own daughters in college — from exploitation and bad working conditions. There are no end of positions that shills are forbidden to acknowledge anyone else thinking or speaking - but this depends on which shilling organization they belong to. This one seems to work on shills of all organizations.