On 11/26/15, coderman <coderman@gmail.com> wrote:
On Tue, Nov 24, 2015 at 8:35 PM, juan <juan.g71@gmail.com> wrote:
http://dictionary.reference.com/browse/terrorism?s=t " noun : the use of violence and threats to intimidate or coerce, especially for political purposes."
Oops. That just happen to be a description of the way *all* governments operate.
you're missing the part where power wields violence for great justice
Power, money, electricity and other assorted tools of human experience. May we each act wisely.
[ the key is to always be on the side of power's justice... ]
Most don't get to choose in what nation they be. But within many limits we have specific freedoms - we can make certain choices. Let's look at it this way - could the key be to know one's conscience (knowledge of good and evil), to bind oneself to good, and to exercise as much power as is within one's domain of action, in the pursuit of good and to make no compromise (to expedience or otherwise)? Bind oneself, then bind those entities such as corporations one creates, to good. Google began by stating such an intent ("do no evil" as was proudly proclaimed) then later, the individuals in control of (the power of) Google-the-corporation, they surrendered that control, surrendered their sovereignty, for an "Initial Public Offering", i.e. for money, to cash out, i.e. for the short term gain of money and shares, and compromising on principle of "do no evil" to something much lesser (grow the company more quickly than would happen naturally otherwise, try to do some good in China by providing search services, but whilst compromising Google's fundamental principle to achieve these ends). Google's founders compromised their foundation ethic, in essence saying "the ends (intended or hoped for result) justifies the means (compromise of principle)". Almost all humans we see today, who attain a position of power, make at a minimum, this type of compromise, if not much greater/ worse compromises. I bind myself to never making a compromise of the highest principle I am able to conceive. If I can't do it "right", I won't do it - there is always something else I can do, and do it "right". When we of competence in this world involve ourselves with one another, let us cause each other to bind strongly to the highest "good" principles we are able to conceive, and to never make any compromise of expedience, and to implement technical measures to support these binds to the greatest extent of our ability (e.g. digital canaries). Let us be clear and bold and public in our binds, proclaiming to the world those principles for which we stand and for which we spend our life energy and for which we spend our attention. In these ways may we live in dignity and strive for something higher than only comfort for our physical bodies. In these ways may we inspire those who come after us. Regards, Zenaan