Punk-Stasi 2.0 wrote:
On Sun, 22 Dec 2019 18:59:06 -0500 grarpamp <grarpamp@gmail.com> wrote:
And you're a troll, among other things, so now enjoy the ignore filter.
priceless. I guess the asshole got offendend when I pointed out that none of 'his' shitcoins scale. Likewise, the whole 'cryptoanarchy' project is a sorry failure...or worse*
It was usurped by the moneygrubbers who moved in as the anarchist innovators moved out of the industry (early mid-1970s). Ayn Randian LIbertards passing themselves off as Anarchists, when in reality they're capitalist hedo-nihilists This list is infested with them much in the way democrat 'prog-libs' infest and over-run radical listservs like [red-green]. There's a reason Tim May gtfo of crypto-currency and this list. He may have been a survivalist and paranoid, up in the Corralitos hills where HIPPIES LIVED before Gentrification came to Santa Cruz county, but he wasn't a libertard of the "Republicans who like to party variety' and he saw his dream's ruination at the hands of bitcoin speculators who destroyed it's value just like the same type of greedy scumbags did to the US economy as a whole, and Republican suit-wearing retards. Ps. There was a middle age 'street person' who used to hang out downtown. Literally lived on one of the benches on North Pacific St. for years. Played guitar well, but never busked... just played to himself. Highly intelligent on a wide variety of subjects but hostile if confronted with information he thought was garbage. One day at the coffee shop his ears perked up when I mentioned Tim and he told me he knew him well. A few days after Tim passed, he disappeared and I haven't seen him since. The guy has been around here doing that 'bench living' gig for literally decades. I do recall seeing them sitting on a bench together once or twice. Does anyone know if Tim had a brother? The guy was too old to be a son. It's just odd that he should have disappeared concurrently with Tim's passing and I wonder if he's related, or had some sort of willed rights to Tim's property. Rr
*...in case it's not clear, this is the arpadarpanet we are all using.