CBDCs: The Ultimate Tool Of Oppression https://duckduckgo.com/?iar=videos&iax=videos&ia=videos&q="cbdc"+"dystopia"
“Anti-CBDC” Bill Joins Fight to Block Fed’s Plans: H.R. 3712, entitled the “Digital Dollar Pilot Prevention Act.” If passed, the bill would close a Federal Reserve Act loophole and block the Fed from testing a CBDC without Congressional approval. (i.redd.it) So obvious - intentionally causing a banking crisis to introduce a CBDC with only the main banks left. The pilot proves which ones will be involved. Once again picking winners and losers (i.redd.it) Fed Announces Launch Of 'FedNow' Real-Time Payment System: No really, its not a (CBDC) Central Bankster Digital Currency (Surveillance System) it's just "FEDNOW" a harmless instant payment system to make your life better, because we love you and would never lie to you, you can trust us. (i.redd.it) CBCD (i.redd.it) Ohio Bill Would Ban Use of a Central Bank Digital Currency in the State (blog.tenthamendmentcenter.com) By far the most dangerous idea is that any future digital currency should be “programmable” CBDC. Meaning the bankster issuing the money would have the power to control how it is spent. This is not a “conspiracy theory”, just listen to Agustin Carstens, head of the Bank for International Settlements (youtube.com) CASHLESS HUNGER GAMES SOCIETY:⚠️ IMF Announces Global CBDC Framework - Total Control With "PBM": This week the IMF announced they have been working on a "Global CBDC Platform" to facilitate the international exchange of Central Bankster Digital Currencies (the implications are frightening) (youtube.com) A CBDC system is literally the final stage before collapse of modern economics (i.redd.it) Understand the war on gas stoves or internal combustion engine is the final set up to SWITCH OFF YOUR FREEDOM, YOUR MONEY, YOUR ABILITY TO MOVE, EVEN COOK YOUR FOOD. Please join our fight! (i.redd.it) We All Lose Complete Control over our own money and future. You don't even own the rights to your own face. Sounds crazy right? noCBDC (i.redd.it) At my local Starbucks. CENTRAL BANK CURRENCIES ENSLAVE!!! @nocbdc @cryptogriffiti (i.redd.it) And it's starting (i.redd.it) "People need to wake up, this is serious stuff." -Jordan Maxwell (i.redd.it) and so it begins (i.redd.it) The democrats 😂😂 (i.redd.it) I DON'T want a Central Bankster Digital Currency. (i.redd.it) bait and switch (i.redd.it) CBDC's will carry all the alphabet agencies with you wherever you go. (self.SilverDegenClub) All Western Currencies Are Mysteriously Converging Right Now Almost As If for Preparation of the Introduction of the Central Bank Digital Currency. JUST SAY NO (i.redd.it) CBDC explained in one picture (i.redd.it) Eleven countries, including a number in the Caribbean, and Nigeria, have already launched CBDC's: A total of 130 countries representing 98% of the globalist economy are now exploring digital versions of their fiat currencies, with almost half in advanced development, pilot or launch stages. (i.redd.it) Central Bankster Digital Currencies: A Tyranny Worse Than Prison: CBDCs would allow control freak, power mad central planners to do much more than spy and surveil your financial transactions. CBDCs would allow them to control how and when you spend your money. (v.redd.it) Let me tell you what will happen with central bank digital currency (CBDC). (self.noCBDC) It seems many in Switzerland know what is going on, and are truly fighting against CBDC’s… (i.redd.it) SDC mods have granted me permission to shill another reddit community called r/noCBDC - Come over once in a while and help us raise awareness about the evil CBDC digital tool of doom (self.SilverDegenClub) BlackRock’s spot Bitcoin ETF now listed on Nasdaq trade clearing firm. Here comes the real pump and dump Bitcoin Futures price-manipulation! Just like Gold & SILVER on the Comex. (i.redd.it) The Elite-Cult overlords of the 20 largest world economies, famously known as the Group of 20 nations (G20) have agreed to build the necessary techno-fascist infrastructure to implement programmable Central Bankster Digital Currencies & Digital ID's for the people of Slavelandia. (i.redd.it) "Understanding that there is no nation which exists on the planet who has a “war chest,” the question is, where does the cash come from to finance War(s)? IT COMES DIRECTLY FROM CENTRAL BANKSTERS! Who are more than happy to lend, and who also finance both sides."- Greggory Mannarino (i.redd.it) Crypto bros... the Fed will eliminate all rivals in the digital currency space for their own CBDC (i.redd.it) for CBDC ,will it be Euro or USA first ? (self.noCBDC) China is integrating the central bank's digital currency into its social credit system. To shop at China's self-service grocery stores, you'll now need a minimum social credit score of 550 🚨🚨🚨 Are you ready for this in Europe and the USA? It is coming, probably within the next 5 years (twitter.com) How To Prepare For The Central Bankster Digital Currencies (CBDC) Reset: "The CDBC represents the closing of the totalitarian loop," says author Michael Rectenwald, "and really making it impossible to have any financial freedom whatsoever." We must Resist by adopting parallel currencies! (youtube.com) How the BIS (Banksters for International Settlements) Controls Global Monetary Policies From The Shadows. BIS's blueprint, revealing their plans for CBDC's 'Total Surveillance' & dominance over your financial transactions. Our financial autonomy is under threat, but knowledge is your shield. (youtube.com) Digital Doom: 5 Tools That Could End Your Freedom (youtu.be) Introducing The Official One-World Currency [CBDC] already in progress. (youtube.com) [Gold&SILVER] Weapons Against The CBDC Reset: People should prepare now in order to avoid having to sacrifice liberty & privacy with a Central Bankster Digital Currency. Precious metals allow people to hold wealth outside of the system. (youtube.com) Central Bankster Digital Currencies - Citibank Announces That it is Able to Convert Customers Deposits Into Digital Blockchain-Based Tokens. (v.redd.it) WAKE UP SHEEPLE!!! Maajid Nawaz explains why "programmable" (CBDCs) Central Bankster Digital Currencies Must Be Rejected At All Costs!!! “You must go beyond the surface to find the Truth." "The only way to survive this world is to realize the hidden agenda behind it."-Jordan Maxwell (v.redd.it) We Are Going to Print Until the Fiat US Dollar is Worthless: Central Banksters & investors are increasingly buying Gold & SILVER bullion as a hedge against a potential recession, long-term inflation, fiat currency devaluations & CBDC incoming. (youtube.com) [Programmable] Central Bankster Digital Currencies (CBDC's) – A Future of AI-Surveillance & Control: CBDCs will be "Centralized Ledgers" & will be "Programmable". They will be tied to "User Identities" & "Digital IDs". This is the Totalitarian Tiptoe to a Fascist-Digital-Prison of humanity! (old.reddit.com) Central Bank Digital Currencies – A Future of Surveillance and Control (self.noCBDC) BullionStar Insights - What is the Difference Between Cryptocurrencies and CBDCs? (self.noCBDC) The world will be going completely digital soon. (i.redd.it) Banking Crisis Is Not Over! "Too Big to Fail" BANKSTERS Will Get BIGGER. Plus the 2024 Election-RealityShow Chaos is coming soon! Within the next 8 months, American's will come running to buy Gold & SILVER. Then the fiat-USD will collapse after the FED has to lower rates, which will push prices UP! (i.redd.it) This Is BAD: Digital Currency Announced At G20 Summit! (youtube.com) Central Bankster Digital Currencies (CBDC's) Will Be Forced Upon Us Within Two Years, Here’s Their Master Plan Warns Andy Schectman. He claims that the U.S. government deliberately incentivizes de-dollarization to let the system collapse and reset in order to ease off the insurmountable debt issue. (youtube.com) The Federal Reserve Is Pushing The Economy Toward A Dystopian Future (youtube.com) Digital ID combined with Central Bank Digital Currency , 2 elements needed to enslave humanity. Keep cash alive, use it. Never loved fiat so much (self.noCBDC) Emmer Reintroduces 'CBDC Anti-Surveillance State Act': A Bill to ban the Federal Reserve 'Banksters' from creating a (Programmable) Central Bank Digital Currency. "A CBDC is nothing more than a CCP-style *Surveillance Tool* that Can Be *Weaponized* To Oppress the American Way of Life."-Tom Emmer (youtube.com) "I've stopped counting how many times I've received the question, 'Is junk silver even worth it?' Now that I have a store, I want to focus on educating you about the actual metals. So today, I've decided to show you the ins and outs of constitutional silver, also known as Junk Silver."-Rob K. (youtube.com)