On Fri, 21 Sep 2018 01:09:37 -0400 grarpamp <grarpamp@gmail.com> wrote:
On 9/20/18, jamesd@echeque.com <jamesd@echeque.com> wrote:
Anyway, 9/11 was done by governments fuckery around the world.
9/11 was done by terrorists with boxcutters.
And as you well know, that was caused by the fuckery of governments around the world. Thus the first above is true.
So that's YET another thing. If 'terrist attacks' were actual retaliation for the crimes comitted by anglo-anmerican scum, accomplices and associates, then there should be a LOT MORE 'terrorism'. And yet, there isn't. There's only 'terrorism' when "america's defenses" need to be "rebuilt" for the next "american century", in which case a "new pear harbour" would come really handy. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Project_for_the_New_American_Century