Well well well. Whoda thunked it? Fake family histories, multi-year award winning blogger of the year awards, fake, all fake. Lapshades and soap bars, folks - as real as it gets, right up their with "masturbate the boys to death" machines and 10s of thousands incinerated for weeks, months, years on end after being gassed to death in a single per-concentration-camp 12 by 6 shower room with wooden floors and wooden paling fence doors. And no mountains of ashes of 6 million. And rollercoasters of death flinging adults and children a like into the blazing ovens as it rushes through the furnace releasing its oxygen thieves to the doom. And .... ... well, you get the picture frames and human lamp shades my friends, it's all so, so, so very real. It their minds. 'Tis a rare day one of dey chosen bastaads is taken down by dey own - musta bin some seriously obvious bull dustery that simply could not be publicly ignored. Oh woe is the German reparations teat feeders... No wonder #RT fashtag Russia Today is enemy du jour. German ‘blogger of the year’ invented her ‘Jewish’ family history, cheated media for years https://www.rt.com/news/460904-german-blogger-award-holocaust-hoax/ Remember muh grits, <spooky musak>, the truth is out there: You Know Who Really Did the Holocaust, Right? The Polish. http://dstormer6em3i4km.onion/you-know-who-really-did-the-holocaust-right-th... The true truth is competition is the name of tha game: Old Woman Wants People to “Call Out” Men for Dating Younger Women http://dstormer6em3i4km.onion/old-woman-wants-people-to-call-out-men-for-dat... There is no need to explain because everyone already knows — at least subconsciously — the real reason younger women prefer older men and older men prefer younger women, but sometimes you’ll be in a more friendly setting and the topic may come up. In that case, keep it short too. Just say that younger women are more fun and less psychotic.