I quoted r. kennedy
"During the centuries that science has fruitlessly sought remedies against coronavirus (aka the common cold), only zinc has repeatedly proven its efficacy in peer-reviewed studies."
and added
OOPS. So kennedy just said that porongavirus/covaids is actually the common cold.
And the 'reply' that the trumpofascist 'grarpamp' turd provided is a collection of useless arpanet links and idiotic meaningless ramblings...that take for granted that the covaids farce is based on some real 'new' 'chinese' 'bioweapon'. So guess what. The list of motherfucking pieces of shit who are covaid pentagon bots and have been posting pentagon propaganda for TWO FUCKING YEARS includes 1) jim the-fucking-turd bell 2) peter bigbrother 3) 'coderman' 4) 'grarpamp' Frankly it seems impossible for this 'cypherpunk' mailing list to be more compromised.