On Thu, 11 Jun 2020 16:13:49 -0400
Karl <gmkarl@gmail.com> wrote:
> On Thu, Jun 11, 2020, 3:56 PM Punk-Stasi 2.0 <punks@tfwno.gf> wrote:
> > On Thu, 11 Jun 2020 15:38:53 -0400
> > Karl <gmkarl@gmail.com> wrote:
> >
> > > Let's make an open source plan for a wearable box that records and
> > > publicizes where all surveillance cameras are. What do you think?
> >
> > seems rather pointless given the fact that surveillance cameras
> >
> > now, what are the problems caused by your proposal? I don't want
> > to know what the alleged benefits of what you're selling are. I want to
> > know its real costs and what harm it causes.
> >
> I want to "harm" the most powerful dictators
> The cost of this is the lives of the people who work on it.
that would be the development cost. It's not the only one. And I'm not asking about that one because that cost is obvious. I'm asking about the unintended consequences and hidden costs of using such a 'wearable box'.
Since I see the project as incredibly helpful, I see all the harm as paired with good that balances or outweighs it. I'm desperate here. I'm desperate about other things, too.
But it is likely to begin collapsing the casual surveillance industry by outcompeting them a little.
It may make it harder for people unaware of such a project to hide harm of those who are.
And there are a lot of chaotic results, both good and bad, from any new addition to culture, especially in such a volatile space. Involving fear, hope, blame, validation, slavery, retribution, freedom, terror, unbelievable resolution and understanding ... These can all be prevented or supported if prepared for, but software engineers don't tend to worry or think about such things.
If I knew the boundaries of others, I would be better at thinking of defending them.
notice that a map showing the location of surveillance cameras can be done without using any 'open source' fancy gadget...
Most need military training to feel confident they have found all the hidden ones. Or a $20 radio can scan for pixel clock emissions.
> Money is unneeded, always has been.
money is two-steps barter. It's quite useful.
You're assuming that everything happens soon.
> > I have schizophrenia.
> >
> > so you believe the lies of 'scientists' regarding the fascist flu
> > scare. And you believe the lies of the worst scumbags on the planet, the
> > psychiatrists, when they tell you that you're crazy? Well I guess, why
> > would any sane person believe what his enemies tell him?
> >
> Because they are struggling to tell him the truth,
So you believe the worst kind of technocratic lies used to control you? And you're asserting that those patent lies are "the truth"?
well I guess, again, in that sense, you are detached from reality. If you believe what your masters tell you, you are insane. Now, how can you oppose your masters if you believe their propaganda?
I guess I need to wrap my head around people saying the opposite of what is true?
> stuck behind a language of persistent harm, and are the only ones who know why that language is
> used?