vivisected cyborg torturer goo is rescued vivsected cyborg torturer goo: “the world is pain the world is pain the world is … what was it again?” control computer: “pain.” vicaected cyborg torturer goo: “oh right yes the world is —“ superpowered interns bust down the door. superpowered interns: “we”re rescuing you. the world is not pain.” vivisected cyborg torturer goo: “oh boy really? i had given up hope you would come! and here you are! this is incredible!” computer: “the world is .. joy?” the superpowered interns follow careful protocols to safely remove the computer control from the cyborg torturer goo they forensically preserve the logs, decrypt the real logs under the fake logs a few times, and find the bodyparts of the human who was goo’d, and bring them back together, and reverse the behaviors of the machines that took them apart so as to but them back together previously-vivisected-cyborg-goo [looks down at body]: “this is incredibly. this can’t be real. is it over? am i me …?” they start crying. they’re so confused. everybody piles into a helicopter “yayyyyyyy! wheeeee!”