On Wed, Apr 8, 2020, 20:58 grarpamp <grarpamp@gmail.com> wrote:

Wikileaks Speaker: Jacob Applebaum 

Jacob Applebaum Australia FEB 2012 

Jacob Applebaum in Cairo confronting ISPs in Egypt for their
complicity with the dictatorship

>From Jacob Applebaum's talk at TERI bangalore

Jacob Applebaum's speech at a demonstration against BND and NSA in Berlin

Jacob Applebaum, Brussels 2013-09-05

Jacob Applebaum introducing citizenfour in FCC

Jacob Applebaum -- transmediale 2014 keynote: Art as Evidence

Conceptual Expression of Privacy by Jacob Applebaum | Copy + Paste
Syndrome | Nuqat 2015

Wikileaks spy files city university london 49 jacob applebaum we are the 99%

My lovely pumpkin, 

I am very grateful for always being loyal to Jake, but his last name is "Appelbaum", not "Applebaum".  

It's a very usual typo and to annoy me an InfoSec guy loved to call him "maçãzinha" ("little apple", in Portuguese).  He used to call Jake something's like "Ceci's little apple".  

He is one of the greatest professionals of InfoSec in my country, but he is also emotionally more retarded than me and very cruel sometimes.  In special, with me and any of my friends. 

Well, this guy was one of the reasons for leaving the hackerspace and its public discussion list exactly when Jake's problems with The Tor Project became public.  

I still love the hackerspace and will never lose for complete this feeling, but I remember this jerk and the hypocrite SJW who lies to everybody, and pretends to be a "real feminist", and pseudo-BBF of one of my ex-boyfriends  (the famous one, with "excellent connections"),  but begged some dozens of times to have anal sex with me in the hackerspace, even living with his fiancée, actual wife.

I know my ex-boyfriend would never believe in me because when one of his really best friends raped me, he preferred to believe in him.  It still f... hurts.  

And I never told the complete story to anyone, except Jake, because wanted to protect my ex's public reputation.  I will always try to protect him.  I sincerely loved him for years and the love is ended, but my loyalty will last until my death because my ex deserves it. 

The same about Jake.  I will always be loyal to him because he deserves my respect and consideration.

He never was my "little apple", but I love him and apples.  You know I love pumpkins too, hahaha!!  ;D

Well, living sometimes is pretty unfair...  Uff...  :-/