---------- Forwarded message ---------
From: oft.sm.counsel.foilrequests <counsel.foilr@its.ny.gov>
Date: Thu, Mar 4, 2021, 12:31 PM
Subject: NYS ITS FOIL No. 2021-16
To: G@xNY.io <G@xny.io>
Cc: oft.sm.counsel.foilrequests <counsel.foilr@its.ny.gov>

Please see the attached


Thank you


Records Access Officer

Division of Legal Affairs


NYS Office of Information Technology Services

Empire State Plaza

PO Box 2062

Albany, New York 12220-0062

518-473-5115 | counsel.foilr@its.ny.gov





Chief Information Officer

March 4, 2021

By Electronic Mail

Gunnar Larson


Re: FOIL No. 2021-16

Dear Mr. Larson,

I am responding to your request, dated and received March 3, 2021, by the New York State (“NYS”) Office

of Information Technology Services (“ITS”), seeking pursuant to the Freedom of Information Law (Public Officers

Law, Article 6, “POL”), as it relates to the DFS Tech Sprint Innovational, “to define and keep the public informed of

DFS' approval roster (complete approved registration list) with corresponding business affiliation on the basis of

New York's Freedom of Information Law (FOIL)

One of the tools available to the public to attain this type of information is access to records concerning

any participants role in computer crimes actively engaged at the will of xNY.io's Tech Sprint denial. As the

Sprint is now ongoing with DFS' approved participants. the member roster report and affiliation statistics

stand already available.

Can you kindly advise if this FOIL records request can be complete this week?”

Please be advised after diligent search that ITS has determined it possesses no records responsive to your

request. No records responsive to your request have been withheld or redacted pursuant to any provision of the

POL. Records may be available at the Department of Financial Services (“DFS”). DFS may be reached by accessing

Open FOIL or by email to the address recordsaccessofficer@dfs.ny.gov.

In the event you do not agree with this determination, please be advised you have the right under Public

Officers Law § 89(4)(a) within 30 days of the receipt of this letter to appeal in writing to ITS’ Records Appeals

Officer at the NYS Office of Information Technology Services, Empire State Plaza, PO Box 2062, Albany, New York

12220‐0062, or by email to the address counsel.foilr@its.ny.gov.

Very truly yours,

/s/ Julie C. Bentzen

Julie C. Bentzen

Records Access Officer