On Fri, Nov 09, 2018 at 01:17:38AM -0500, grarpamp wrote:
'anti virus' scam
True. Yet only $nn.99 per copy, buy now. Learning a little cypherpunk compsec would be a better value.
[what does whoever in crypto stand for and or do]
Cryptocurrency is a little like this
hundreds of little cryptos and a fuckton of surrounding atoms trying to make it to and through the Dark Ages.
Few are in fact honest, holding and transmitting valid philosophy and code embodied.
Most are hucksters, self promoters, liars, scams, pointless wannabees, thieves, retards, agents, provocateurs, copycats, shills, statist legacies, banksters, antis, and so on.
Who knows which, and who, among them will ring true and survive the tests being quietly set upon them by you.
But in a way, they are all bringing forth the message that truly new things, wholesale changes, for the better, are possible. Is that not good.
And that you are being given a rare chance, once in a lifetime, in many lifetimes, to sort, choose, and adopt the best and most freeing among them, and to make it happen.
Already hundred of ICO's and many fake and shit people have been run out business and publicly excoriated. Is that not the way.
And which will be next to that fate, and to endorse to success.
You research. You decide. Tell us. Tell the world.
Enjoy and spread the Rabbit Hole ;)
More fun and useful than CNN, FOX, BBC, <insert sheeples State licensed puppets here>...
That's called NPCeeples thank you :)