xNY.io - Bank.org elects to appeal this decision on FOIL records access.
Specifically, given the situation with New York State's former Lt. Governor, xNY.io - Bank.org demands any and all records concerning the Superintendent's said DFS role with Brex (Declaration on said disclosure form).
xNY.io - Bank.org may be sponsoring obstruction of justice without lauching this DFS records appeal.
Furthermore, DFS deflecting to the Executive Chamber has been found to be problematic during the time-frame of the disclosure form period.
DFS would be alludeing to a Cuomo Lacewell type scandal by withholding said Brex records.
If DFS denies this appeal, we will be forced to advance reasonable resignation requests.
We appreciate DFS cooperation on the matter of Brex records.
Warm regards,
Gunnar Larson
xNY.io - Bank.org