That subject lines should get some good attention...

Today's Womens March where I live caused traffic jams all over downtown due to steady stream of Peds X-ing everywhere! WTF would the popo do about that? Start gunning down women all over town for not yielding to cars? ROTF ROTF!


PS: And remember folks, When you '#protest' with the media reporting how smooth it went, the police commenting on how 'well-organized'/peaceful it was ... you weren't protesting.

As the Wall Street Journal pointed out a few years ago in a series of articles...

What the rich fear the most is violence in the streets directed at them. Terrorize the rich.

Start with your Senator. All of them are wealthy... Even Burn-E. The average net worth for the American White middle class is just a touch over $100k. Compare to your own Senator, then terrorize them. It gets the lactic acid flowing and tenderizes them so they're oh so tender when bar-b-cued.

Mmmm Mmmm good!
