Since people can freely choose to mask, vaccinate and do whatever else or not according to their own wishes to protect themselves. Now take those who have vaccinated... they are the ones insisting on controlling everyone else, while those others post no risk to them (the vax'd)... The hypocrisy, logic fail, and power grabbing is unprecedented. Funny these nazi's are forgetting to demand VaxID cards for all your deadly childhood vax's, HIV HSV Influ status, etc. Then you have the stupid british sheeple... The results of the poll once again underscores how the population has been so terrorized by the media’s coverage of a virus that has a 99%+ survival rate, they are willing to give up virtually any freedom. a majority of Brits now say they will miss “some” or “many” aspects of the lockdown India goes insane Vax'd logic be gone Vaccine passports sound like a fine thing if you don’t know what those platforms can do. I’m CEO of a tech company, I understand what this platform does. It’s not about the vaccine, it’s not about the virus, it’s about data. And once this rolls out you don’t have a choice about being part of the system. What people have to understand is that any other functionality can be loaded onto that platform with no problem at all. They’re trying to roll it out around the world. It is so much more than a vaccine pass. I can’t stress this enough. It has the power to turn off your life. Or turn on your life. To let you engage in civil society or be marginalized. It’s catastrophic. It cannot be allowed to continue. And what that means is it can be merged with your PayPal account, with your digital currency. Microsoft is already talking about merging it with payment plans. Your networks can be sucked up. It geo locates you everywhere you go. Your credit history can be included. All of your medical history can be included. The White House reportedly pressed a group of governors to publicly receive the Johnson & Johnson jab.