On Tue, 18 Jul 2017 08:29:59 -0400 Marina Brown <catskillmarina@gmail.com> wrote:
On 07/17/2017 05:38 AM, John Young wrote:
Education is affirmation of the status quo in all nations. And a negation of otherness. Military, spies and secrecy, blessed by national security blind faith, assures heads in the sand are patriotic, and raising heads out of the sand is treason ("terrorism").
<sarcasm>I am sure that people would function in society better with no education whatsoever. they would be free to reinvent the wheel, mathematics, chemistry and history with no reference to the past. Imagine what people would come up with !</sarcasm>
Yes, there is an element of conformity in education but there is some exposure to thought that is counter to the status quo.
LMAO. <sarcasm> sure - learning a bunch of technical stuff so that you can become a better robot goes against the status quo</>
I know you are not uneducated but i am getting tired of people - even left wing millenials saying that education has no value.