Some good points being raised, on sl1shd()t no less: What is a traitor? When is it appropriate to label someone a traitor? When is doing so, an attempt at manipulative propaganda? This reply, amongst others, is on point:
1. Loyalty to country / oath = precisely not ignoring illegal actions.
2. Doesn't really matter what her initial motivation was - she could have done it because she was a dirty racist who didn't like the President's color, for all I care.
2. Give evidence that she did it "deliberately, willfully to hurt [her] nation" please.
She didn't seriously injure her country or try to destabilise it or encourage war against it. She did not cooperate with a foreign nation. She was acquitted of "aiding the enemy". To stick the "traitor" label on her is ridiculous.
(Also, to stubbornly stick with "him" suggests you're not really interested in facts and are emtionally clouded.)