"... ulbricht did pose as 'libertarian anarchist' when in reality he was (way) more interested in money than in freedom..." That'll get you right ' In' with the Btc billionaire boys club. Hasta luego FRIAR! Happy trails. Now for those who missed the point - ' Guilty till proved innocent " means we anarchists don't have to entertain any propertarian hallucinations about private-property, ' Freedom ", cyber-liberty, tax-haven PRIVACY, ' Sovereign' anything, " Permissionless " anything, ' Anti-fragile ' anything Randite, Paultard, Rothbardian, Austro-libertarian and assorted Lunar-Rightwing BULLSHIT. That Mongoloid crap was old in 1996. And if you insist on freehold title then we'll bury you on top of Mongo. Get it? Got it? Good. The bs ' Cyber Liberty ' list discussing Nick Szabo ' crypto-anarchy ' is two clicks over. NOW SCRAM!