On Sat, Oct 17, 2020 at 12:14:07PM +1000, jamesd@echeque.com wrote:
On 2020-10-16 10:32, Karl wrote:
James' interpretation appears to be the libertarian one: that business owners can freely exclude employees> Zenaan is ignoring this unpopular portion of the interpretation.
I read Zeenan as accepting it as popular, and indeed uncontroversial, except amongst those who want to destroy western civilization and eradicate whiteness, which will inevitably turn into eradicating whites, as the liquidation of the kulaks as a class turned into the liquidation of the kulaks.
I thought it was uncontroversial that "the libertarian position" would allow such free choices by businesses. And that such "a properly free" market for shops/businesses, would simply sort itself out eventually - whether it be exclusionary, inclusionary, or some combination. One of the apparent problems for libertarianism is that holding such a position (even to allow such discussion) is highly politically incorrect in the present day and age (usually instantly getting labelled "Nazi"), and can result in loss of employment, family etc, for nothing other than wanting to discuss (and nominally hold) such a position. This is a great shame upon the USA today, and an indictment of the USA "education" system. One of the few "almost mainstream" US authors today who not only gets it, but dives headlong into the facts, historical references, and analysis of such questions, is Ron Unz. Not only does he do a credible deconstruction of such questions, he nails the analysis of those topics he studies. There is much more to properly study however...