(The term "metapolitics" as used in one of the fundamental positions or beliefs put below, seems quite apropos.) Wanting to get down to tin tacks, there are some principles or "foundations" or beliefs starting to be named by the alternative "alts" of the right, in a clear enough way as to facilitate a reasoned public debate. Yes, despite all appearances to the social media, 'tis is indeed possible. I know, I know, virtual bitch slapping one another is the preferred modality of non-communication in many forums today - yet some folks continue to hope, however vainly, for something different - something a little more 'enlightened' one could say. Here's hoping to give a rational debate another go, and that the trollingly inclined can muster the courage, the strength and the aptitude to skip those particular salty words which would ordinarily trigger certain psychosomatic biological responses in their autonomic nervous systems otherwise superficially interpreted as emotions and ordinarily leading to instant reactions disguised as baseless vitriolic oral eruptions justified by nothing more substantial than self proclaimed "ecclesiastically true" vehemence. Come on, one can hope? With selected quotable quotes quoted: Has the Alt-Lite Embraced the [North American] New Right? Lawrence Murray Atlantic Centurion January 6, 2017 http://www.dailystormer.com/has-the-alt-lite-embraced-the-north-american-new... https://atlanticcenturion.wordpress.com/2017/01/05/has-the-alt-lite-embraced... "
From the European New Right comes this set of beliefs:
- “History is cyclical, and its prevailing current is downward, declining from a Golden Age through Silver and Bronze Ages to a Dark Age.” - “We live in a Dark Age, in which decadence reigns and all natural and healthy values are inverted.” - “Even in the depths of the Dark Age, there are hidden Golden Age counter-currents: survivals of the past Golden Age that sustain the world and serve as seeds of the Golden Age to come.” - “It is not futile to think and live according to Golden Age principles in the depths of the Dark Age. Indeed, those who do so play an important role in the passage of the Ages.” And from the North American New Right, these: - “We believe that racial and cultural diversity within the same society inevitably leads to hatred and violence, and that nationalism is the most practical way to ensure peace between peoples.” - “We believe that all peoples should have sovereign homelands where they can live according to their own lights, free from the interference of other peoples.” - “We believe that such a world can be achieved through gradual and humane programs of territorial partition and population transfer.” - “We believe that these aims can come about by changing people’s consciousness, i.e., by persuading enough people in positions of influence that everyone has a stake in ethnonationalism.” - “The promotion of political change through the transformation of consciousness and culture is what we call metapolitics.” " If nothing else, I would personally like to hear if there are any clear positions -against- the creation of "relatively ethnically homogeneous" ethnostates around the world? Let's not ostrich blindly downward - there's no denying we are in a real and global conversation. Zenaan