Boss [to Zombie Government Worker]: "I'm trying to write a letter of apology to Experimentee." Zombie Government Worker [to Boss]: "What, the [censored censored censored]?" Boss [to Zombie Government Worker]: "No, uh --" Zombie Government worker shakes a bit and both characters have mild amnesia. Zombie Gvoernment Worker [to Boss]: "Oh, that sounds so important to do!" Boss [to Zombie Government Worker]: "Yes, but, um, embarrassedly I'm having trouble valuing them in what I write! How do you write things that are caring?" Zombie Government Worker [to Boss]: "Have you tried pretending it's the other way around, and you're writing a letter, say, to yourself?" Boss: "Hmm!" Zombie Government Worker: "Then after you do that, you could change all the references to businesses enterprises and whatnot to analogous things that relate to them." Boss: "That's a great idea!"