A masterful troll spoiled by the standard protection against malicious/fake unsubscribe requests. Oh, if only I had accounted for it! 
I received one too, and several times during the last few weeks I've gotten emails telling me that someone was trying to log into my freelists settings. I have no idea who it was, so I'm not going to accuse anyone without any evidence whatsoever. 
Glad to see you're not jumping to conclusions, Occam's Rayzer. ;-)

And there you have it... The end result of Mike Best's troll... Gleaned
addresses being run through cryptome's listerver. The server admin could
detail from which IP these requests originated. RR -------- Forwarded Message --------
Subject: Ecartis command results: unsubscribe
Date: Fri, 16 Oct 2015 10:17:32 -0400 (EDT)
From: FreeLists Mailing List Manager <ecartis@freelists.org>
To: rayzer Request received for list 'cryptome' via request address. >> unsubscribe 'Unsubscribe' request denied.
Your request was rejected for the following reason: You are not on the list 'cryptome'.