zombie government worker gathers a — 1552 traffick boss is getting bombed he is happily frolicking/pronking in a small field full of wildflowers (violets) when suddenly all sorts of things start falling from above in the air and exploding traffick boss puts his hands on his head and look around at the sky. his face looks distressed, wondering what is going on ?? traffick boss (looking distressed, with hands on head, looking around and at the sky at things exploding): “what is going on ?? i thought i was happily pronking in a fie—“ traffick boss is at disease about being bombed. one of the bombs is a kitchen sink! it falls high in the sky “whheeeeeeee” (complaint!) and then explodes harmlessly a few feet from traffick boss’s shoulder, sending fake porcelain shards around safely another one of the bombs is a big volleyball full of water. it falls and explodes to— asdf bghjkl traffick boss runs at the bombs 1556