" UBI schemes... The problem with that is it doesn't solve anything. Give everyone (the fair thing to do) £25k per year free, so that those already earning an income get it on top of what they already get (e.g. 25k UBI + 25k salary = £50k per year suddenly), and all that happens is the price of bread doubles, because people can afford to pay more for it. And the same for all other commodities. On the other hand, not giving it to everyone means those who work hard for their £25k salary suddenly realise they don't have to work (or don't have to work as hard) to get the same through UBI, and the economy gets damaged through less people choosing to work. But then that's where CBDCs come in, that can force people to work to earn them in some sense, and won't be dished out fairly (i.e. it won't be universal as it will be based on certain criteria as recorded on your digital ID). And then when the economy starts tanking, they can programme expiry dates into your CBDC so you can't save it and have to spend it to prop up the economy. Oh, and you can only spend it on certain things that are "good for you" as well. There's too many things wrong with the current state of the world (poverty, hunger, greed and corruption) for UBI and CBDCs to ever be forces for good. Instead they are control mechanisms to further the aims of the corrupt people and organisations running the country/world. "