The fucking wind is the biggest expert i know

On Oct 10, 2015 11:34 PM, "Juan" <> wrote:
On Sat, 10 Oct 2015 13:38:47 -0400
Michael Best <> wrote:

> For me, "national security" is anything a nation needs to prosper and
> survive, including national medical care, education, ensuring a
> healthy job market and that there's infrastructure for everyone to
> get food, water, information, and from place to place.

        I thought the reference to 'natsec' was derogative. Silly me.

        You think all those wonderful things for the 'nation' should be
        done by the government mafia?

> generally don't talk about that part because I only understand it in
> the broadest terms, and the best I can do is try to listen to the
> experts in that field

        ANd who are those experts...?

> and people who are smarter than me. And then
> there's separating policy from politics...
> I hope that helps clarify some. Sorry again for assuming that your
> question was insincere/attacking.
> Sent from my iPhone