Coinbase Delists Augur (REP) https://www.reddit.com/r/Augur https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/X_Prize_Foundation A political delisting attack may have just been activated against Augur and Distributed General Prediction Markets... check news to confirm any potential cancellation trend among such market projects. Further development of these innovative DGPM markets is known to enable beneficial and useful models for helping free societies to post, choose among, validate, crowdfund, and fulfill predictions towards efficiently accomplishing shared goals, such as building and maintaining "the roads", fusion power, curing cancer, etc, thereby eliminating the inefficient, slow, skimming, corrupt, and unnecessary middlemen of Govts and Banks from the process and ensuring that quality proposals are competitively bid claimed and performed according to the crowdfunded specification before payment. Distributed General Prediction Markets (DGPM's) will become the best "X Prize" mechanisms of the future, and for a free humanity. DARPA Grand Challenge Elevator:2010 Global Security Challenge H-Prize Hutter Prize Inducement prize contest L Prize Methuselah prize Orteig Prize