On 1/27/19 9:14 PM, grarpamp wrote:
On 1/21/19, Dave Horsfall <dave@horsfall.org> wrote:
The predecessor of the CIA, the National Intelligence Agency was created by President Truman on this day in 1946; it merged with its operational arm, the CIG (Central Intelligence Group) to become another TLA, the CIA, in 1947, located at Foggy Bottom.
Why are you celebrating singing cheer praise and thanks songs and giving happy gifts for a bunch of top secret lying human experimenting torturing murderers since inception...
"You got to love your enemies, because hate makes you misunderestimate them." - George W. Bush I would not doubt that he learned a more grammatically correct version of that saying at his daddy's knee, what with Poppy's history as Director of Central Intelligence. It's very much "spook think," and immensely valuable to the likes of us as well. In re the CIA, a few years ago I ran across a copy of The Secret Team by Col. L. Fletcher Prouty: He went directly from OSS work to a senior briefer position at CIA, and he did not like what he saw. The Secret Team presents as the /only/ significant history and analysis of the CIA's structure and function. I would even say that nobody understands that gang's methods, and the scope and distribution of their power, who does not know their Prouty: https://archive.org/details/pdfy-JnCrjsoqI22z8p9i Speaking of spook think, The Psychology of Intelligence Analysis by Richards J. Hauer, a textbook for the guise and gals who do real intelligence work (as opposed to various forms of terrorism, wet work, etc.), presents as required reading for radicals IMO. Emotionally loaded perceptions of "enemy" actors lead to gross errors in estimating their intentions, capabilities and likely actions. Our Mr. Hauer definitely earned his pay while pounding out this textbook at taxpayer expense, and to their credit the CIA makes it available to the public. But this link from JYA should reduce the paranoia factor for those interested in learning how "competent spies" really do their thing. http://cryptome.org/2013/01/aaron-swartz/Psychology-of-Intelligence-Analysis... Go and do ye likewise: When Satan himself tells the truth, that does not magically convert it to a lie. :o)
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