On Thu, Jul 30, 2015 at 1:06 AM, Steve Kinney <admin@pilobilus.net> wrote:

I do see problems with scaling DYI chip projects up to commercial
production numbers, and down in scale to achieve fast, high
capacity performance.  That's why I am much more interested in the
prospects of a manufacturing process built for radical
transparency, using "commercial best practice" technology at
conventional production facilities.

IMO the same kind of radical transparency should apply to all
industrial processes that pose large potential hazards to public
health & safety, i.e. nuclear power stations, transgenic
agriculture, etc.



i have been thinking about this and i was thinking a lot about actual nuclear bomb sites being added to the list 
of 'hazard to public' and i was like - not possible to give the public any kind of access to such horrors but then
its already in play ... NATOish people sold the design of the bomb to pakistan and israel long ago so maybe
actually if more people were involved in the process it would be in safer hands and there would be less
proliferation as it seems to be the modus operandi that there be more bombs to counter

best film ever points in the direction of nano/bio tech possibilities le jette with the murder of species... can we have the components make themselves and self destruct when in danger?   

Cari Machet
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