Let's get this straight so all you can shut up or put up: There are two futures: one of an Apocalypse or one of Enlightenment. There are four prophesies (two religious and two mystical/new age) and two purely rational arguments why a dramatic and planetary shift MUST and WILL happen in one form or another. All this in-fighting is worthless. If you want the good future it will take Truths that you do not yet have or Righteousness for those who have NO voice in the world. These groups are right in America, no need to think they're far off and inaccessible. The experts have been wrong -- all of them. Whether it's medical doctors (who have never made a sane nor healthy world) or scientists (who have not secured a safer future and have wrapped themselves in a elaborate narrative exactly reminiscent of the Allegory of Plato's Cave) or religion (who have never even been held to their own creeds like protecting Earth and Do Not Kill), the failure also lies on all the MASSES (you and me) who have allowed this clusterfuck to happen and continue everyday. You are using your smartphone and sipping coffee to browse the web and be cool, right? All these petty issues like bitcoin and encryption, or occupy and gay rights are so far down the spectrum as to be laughable. The value of cypherpunks is tools for greater activism or personal development, not hiding from the State like little peons, but TRANSCENDING it. Read Hack the Law at hackerspaces wiki or New World Order, also at that site. Either the future is made BY us, or it is destroyed by US. Which is it? \0xDynamite