Get your right wing fix on Facebook today - Facebook just ordered to reactivate Italy's CasaPound political party page which had nearly 1/4 of a million followers, plus pay legal costs on restitution of EUR 800 / day the party's Faceslut page was offline. Soap, what's the odds that TDS/chan meme's shall once again flood Facebook? VICTORY: Italian Court Orders Facebook to Unban Casapound and Give Them Shekels http://dstormer6em3i4km.onion/victory-italian-court-orders-facebook-to-unban... ... Unlike the US, leftists in Europe actually take leftism seriously, which can sometimes lead to these sorts of decisions in our favor. CasaPound was founded in the late 1990s as a pro-Mussolini drinking club. Named after the 20th-century American poet Ezra Pound, who was known for his fascist sympathies and antisemitism, it claims to support a democratic variant of fascism but has been accused of encouraging violence and racism. ...