Not sure that Lee Camp is entirely correct here, as I am agitatedly awaiting Microsoft's conversion of American "elections into an impenetrable wall of democracy, renowned the world over". Microsoft & Pentagon are quietly hijacking US elections (by Lee Camp) https://www.rt.com/op-ed/462041-microsoft-pentagon-hijacking-elections/ … Did you catch that? Galois claims to be a private company, but its only investor is the f**king Pentagon. To rephrase something you already understood in another way so that you get mildly annoyed with me: Microsoft and our war machine are taking over the American election system. Honestly, who would put election software in the hands of DARPA? DARPA’s the department that tries to put microchips in soldiers’ brains to create Terminators or Robocops or other dystopian hounds of hell. If your first response upon hearing about an invention is, “That’s f**king awful!” – DARPA came up with that. I wouldn’t even let someone from DARPA look after my cat for the weekend. We all know I’d come home, the cat would have half a head and a Game Boy duct-taped to its ass. “F**k you, DARPA! I don’t care if the Mario Kart theme song plays when it s**ts. Get out of my apartment!” Now, imagine that scenario but replace the cat with our entire election system. MintPress further revealed Galois has a spin-off company called “Free & Fair” that creates technology for elections and worked with Microsoft to make ElectionGuard™. Unfortunately, Free & Fair is connected to every form of neocon think tank, government agency and large corporation. They’re especially in bed with the Department of Homeland Security. So what’s wrong with that, you might ask. As Webb details, “before, during and after the 2016 election, the Department of Homeland Security was caught attempting to hack into state electoral systems in at least three states – Georgia, Indiana, and Idaho – with similar accusations also made by Kentucky and West Virginia… DHS, which initially denied it, later responded that the attempted breach was ‘legitimate business.’” Legitimate business? Anytime someone from DHS says they’re involved in legitimate business, immediately duck and put your head between your knees. … In this world free does not mean no ulterior motive. One motive could be to control or rig our entire government. But who would want that? A tiny little country like America? Please. Our country is so inconsequential that we have a third-rate game show host as president. MintPress may have found another ulterior motive. “Microsoft President Brad Smith announced that the company ‘is going to provide the US military with access to the best technology… all the technology we create. Full stop.’” A month prior to that, “Microsoft secured a $480 million contract with the Pentagon to provide the military with its HoloLens technology.” … Election forensics analyst Jonathan Simon said, “The great irony, and tragedy, here… is that we could easily go the opposite direction and quickly solve all the problems of election security if we got the computers out of the process and were willing to invest the modicum of effort needed for humans to count votes observably in public as they once did.” Jonathan Simon, God bless him, has used 55 words to say 11: We could easily fix our fraudulent election system, but we won’t. The answer is not to hand it over to Microsoft and the Pentagon and the ass clowns who make robotic death machines. The Pentagon can’t keep track of $21 TRILLION DOLLARS over the past 20 years – what makes us think they can keep track of hundreds of millions of votes? … ...