infohash:C9635CAA4772FBA4BE0C9343D52C684ECA77EFEA Black's Law Dictionary ========================================================================================= Now you can empower yourself to know the meaning of the words being used against us. Combine this with the definitions in the United States Code, and you're well on your way to figuring out what's really going on. These are all PDF versions. Only the 8th and 9th editions are searchable where text is recognize, all others are scanned images. Have fun and share! ========================================================================================= 1st Edition - 871 pages - Published 1891 2nd Edition - 1322 pages - Published 1910 3rd Edition - 1952 pages - Published 1933 4th Edition - 1956 pages - Published 1968 5th Edition - 1525 pages - Published 1979 6th Edition - 1663 pages - Published 1990 7th Edition - 1788 pages - Published 1999 8th Edition - 5426 pages - Published 2004 9th Edition - 1943 pages - Published 2009 ========================================================================================= In law, a law dictionary is known as a secondary authority in law. "A secondary authority is an authority purporting to explain the meaning or applicability of the actual verbatim texts of primary authorities; such as constitutions, statutes, case law, administrative regulations, executive orders, treaties, or similar legal instruments. Some secondary authority materials are written and published by governments to explain the laws in simple, non-technical terms, while other secondary authority materials are written and published by private companies, non-profit organizations, or other groups or individuals." Black's Law Dictionary is one of those secondary authority in law. The 5th edition is reportedly the edition modern day judges use in American court houses, which are really merchant tribunals based upon how they operate today. Courts are measures and machines for collecting cash for governments nowadays. You see this all time pertaining to traffic cases. However, this is not the fault of judges, the court system, politicians,or government in my opinion. It is the fault largely due to the American people who have become so fearful,lazy, and ignorant pertaining to their rights and the duties of their governing bodies and officials, so much so that their elected officials tell them what to do despite the people paying the elected officials via their tax dollars. Employers (American people) are supposed to telltheir employees (government officials) what to do, but no longer with American citizens. Americans, generally speaking, have been successfully dumb downed! People fear government instead of government fearing people. This was the slogan of the movie "V For Vendetta". The 5th edition was the last edition to contain case-decisional law orlegal precedent. All editions after the 5th edition - the 6th, 7th, 8th, and now 9th, do not contain case-decisional law or legal precedent. [from 1215.org] However, Black's Law Dictionary, 5th through 7th Editions are not as accurate because references to common law are progressively removed, and Roman Civil Law concepts are augmented in order to conform to the law enforcement needs of political power centers such as the Federal Government and the United Nations. The rule of thumb is that older dictionaries are useful for understanding natural rights, common law, personal sovereignty, and the people's point of view. Newer dictionaries are useful for understanding civil rights, Roman civil law, centralized authority, and the government's point of view. All attorneys are trained in the latter. Judges may go to special seminars to learn the former. ========================================================================================= Interesting Notes: The properly and completely defined the term “United States” was removed from the 7th Edition of the same dictionary by the publisher (possibly in an apparent effort to further conceal the truth about the limited jurisdiction of our federal government). The properly and completely defined term "Marriage License" has been removed from the 6th Edition and up.