The old ways of effectively dealing with nonsense will return... If they're entitled to loot, you're entitled to shoot. If they invade borders, you close and severely disincent, jail, and throw them out, back to fix their own problems in their own countries, instead of replicating them in yours. Then jail all the NGOs and Globalist Elite who are the ones really behind it all. AfD is just the start of the proper response to their intentional ruination of your society. That is what the internet is now saying. Leftist Politician In Germany Says Migrants Are "Entitled" To Mass-Loot Grocery Stores https://modernity.news/2023/12/28/leftist-politician-in-germany-says-migrant... A shop owner in Germany was denounced as a racist for complaining about migrants mass looting his store, while a left-wing politician sided with the criminals, saying they were “entitled” to steal. Grocery store manager Gatzke told Bild that the thieves who steal huge bags full of items are usually migrants, with around a third of them being Tunisian. During one incident at the Edeka supermarket in Regensburg, a man stole €140 euros worth of goods, while the manager has also tried to stop thieves stealing groceries worth €300 euros. “In the bag were spirits: vodka and liqueurs again. They are Muslims — did they want to resell the alcohol?” asked Gatzke. “What do you need 10 sea bream and so many shrimp for? Nobody steals that because they’re hungry,” he added. Gatzke noted that the culprits even steal shopping bags worth up to €2.50 euros. However, he was denounced as a “racist” for complaining about the mass looting and subsequently criticized by Ferat Koçak, a member of the Berlin House of Representatives for The Left party. Siding with the criminals, Koçak suggested that the migrants were “entitled” to steal because the government wasn’t giving them enough free money in welfare payments. EDEKA ist die Abkürzung für "Einkaufsgenossenschaft der Kolonialwarenhändler": Ich würde sagen, die Menschen holen sich das zurück, was ihnen zusteht. Doch so einfach ist das nicht zu erklären. Eines der zentralen Probleme ist, dass die Behörden überlastet sind und viele… pic.twitter.com/rukq4EpDMc — Ferat Koçak (@der_neukoellner) December 23, 2023 “I would say that people get back what they are entitled to,” Koçak posted on X. “One of the central problems is that the authorities are overloaded and many refugees are not even paid what they need to live,” he added. The leftist demanded that more migrants immediately be given work permits “so that they can lead their lives independently.” Koçak’s sentiment is increasingly being rejected by ordinary Germans however, with the country becoming the latest major European nation to begin openly talking about re-migration. Anti-mass migration party AfD has also rapidly increased its support base, despite attempts by the establishment to ban the party altogether in the name of “democracy”. Meanwhile, in the UK, supermarkets are now having to employ people to stand at the exit and check receipts against shopping carts due to try to stem mass looting. Another win for diversity! TikToker discovers the consequences of a low-trust society pic.twitter.com/fmQU9tuho6 — Will 🏴 (@anglofuturist) December 27, 2023