If you're going to send bullshit comments off-list, don't expect me to jump through hoops to reply (see below.)

To answer your remark, no I do not support "Ovomit" as you call him, nor any of the other treasonous fucks running this crazy train off the rails.  (Nor Ron Paul, etc, to answer your inevitable retort.)


From: Richard Crisp <rdcrisp@earthlink.net>
Date: Oct 19, 2013 4:20 PM
Subject: Re: Cheney afraid of terrist h4x0rs
To: <shelley@misanthropia.info>

Let me guess: you support Ovomit


From: rdcrisp@earthlink.net
Date: Oct 19, 2013 4:24 PM
Subject: Re: Re: Cheney afraid of terrist h4x0rs
To: shelley@misanthropia.info

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