Dear Cypherpunks,

We all know that Bitcoin and blockchain in general came with a lot of hype and many expectations - however, it didn't change much in the degree of our sovereignty as individuals. It didn't materialise our dreams of human society made of free, sovereign individuals, just as the Internet didn't.
The root of the problem was not addressed by neither of mentioned inventions. The root of the problem is simple, very simple indeed - in every system, social or technological, the value of a human being is always only RELATIVE to other elements of the system. Look at the Internet - we are surveilled and manipulated in a way that extracts value out of us, we are monetised. Look at Bitcoin - a handful of early adopters captured every vital element of this system, from miners to exchanges, and extracts value from Bitcoin users-speculators just like a casino monetises the greed of its custiomers. Governments, banking sector, corporations, they all share one common characteristic - they monetise human beings, because by "monetisation" we mean value extraction. In none of those systems is a human life inherently, absolutely valuable - only relatively; some lives are more valuable, because they own the skills that are supportive for monetisation of others. We live in a pyramid of slavery since the dawn of time.
But what if there was a way, a system, that distributes value almost equally to every human being? We can't expect that humans would create such a system. We are greedy by nature. But maybe we could build an algorithm that would somehow distribute wealth to humans impartially? Just as in other systems having money, having hashing power, having influence or whatever is an investment that yields returns, here an "investment" would be basically being human. It would be like Bitcoin, just each block reward would go to all humans that want it, equally.
This reality can be closer than one might think. I have prepared a detailed design of such a protocol and I believe it to be the first to solve the Decentralised Identity Trilemma ( I've sent it to many people who I thought could be interested in my proposition - the response was a deafening silence, not even a single person did contact me back. Nobody believes in anything anymore but money. However, I hope that there are few idealists here that would like to read my proposition and, if they suspect it to be of any value, help me with exposing it to proper audience, since I have no voice of my own and we live in times when the importance of ideas is superseded by the fame of their authors. I don't want anything more.
Here's my proposition:
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