On Sun, Dec 6, 2020, 00:15 professor rat <pro2rat@yahoo.com.au> wrote:

"... And I am too anarchist for making part of an anarchist movement..."

Easier for a Camel to enter Heaven than a journalist turn into a cypherpunk

I am _not_ a journalist.  And I do not need to say "Oh, I say I am a cypherpunk" every 2 minutes.  Sorry, you are worse than a needy vegan feminazist, aff...  Please, be quiet for some days.

Get a vibrator or search for therapy.  Or even better, read all your messages _on_ this list.  Guy (or girl), you are boring!  :P

Surprise for your ego!  Everybody here knows how to print a gun!  And some of us are good with blades, chemicals, explosives, and other cute things...  Do not so pretentious, please.

And I have my reasons for taking care, I am not being a jerk.  Or a journalist.  Or a camel.