https://www.freesociety.com/ http://www.prnewswire.com/news-releases/freesocietycom-to-form-the-worlds-fi... https://twitter.com/freesocietycom The Free Society Foundation, spearheaded by its founder Olivier Janssens and other prominent libertarian and cryptocurrency figures, announced its plans today to form the world's first libertarian country. They are in preliminary talks with governments to purchase sovereignty and autonomy over a piece of land. "When we started contacting governments, interest was much higher than initially anticipated", says Mr. Janssens, who has been working on the project for the past several years. "We have backing of over 100 million USD in private capital and are committed to the mission of realizing the world's first Free Society." Genius in its simplicity by just purchasing sovereignty, it seems this is the first idea that really has a chance of succeeding. In the past, many libertarians have attempted the feat by trying to claim disputed land or by building floating ocean structures. Unfortunately, none of them were successful - either due to push-back from existing governments or being unrealistically complicated. "There are many nations that have a significant national debt or are in crisis. Our aim is to help them resolve that and create an economic powerhouse next to their doorstep as a bonus. It's a win-win for everyone." Mr. Janssens continues. Indeed, if successful, a new Monaco or Dubai will bring a tremendous amount of opportunities to the area, one being massive employment. Roger Ver, one of the co-founders, adds: "I'm incredibly excited to be part of this project that will finally create a society based on voluntary interactions instead of government force." The Free Society Foundation is exploring ways for the public and interested parties to participate. Many prominent names in the libertarian world are joining their team. More will be revealed soon on the website. Free Society Rue du simplon 4 1920 Martigny 1920 Switzerland One of zensystem's DAO's is thinking similarly. Price down, pick up.