On Saturday, March 22, 2014, <tpb-crypto@laposte.net> wrote:
Message du 22/03/14 17:28 De : "Troy Benjegerdes" If you think you need 'money' to write a better exchange, then you are just another crypto-snake-oil salesman, and are WORSE than Gox, who at least gave us a good example of failure.
However, if you want to put your code (and failures) where your mouth is, I'll give you free room and board if you show me good code, and an honest effort to learn from failure. Nowhere in this exchange is money involved.
Most of the guys willing to create a new exchange are figuring they need to pay a team of professional C programmers if they want their system working without hacks, because lately 90% of coders barely get through with Python, lol.
Having worked on some complex banking and accounting systems before, I know there is a lot more to the equation than simple coding up some crappy ruby code and putting fixes in place whenever it doesn't quite do what you want. Financial cryptography is expensive to do mostly because there is a strong need to not only implement good code, but also make sure the engineering is done correctly the first time and that it has the expensive physical security to back it up. -- Kelly John Rose Edmonton, AB Phone: +1 587 982-4104 Twitter: @kjrose Skype: kjrose.pr Gtalk: iam@kjro.se MSN: msn@kjro.se Document contents are confidential between original recipients and sender.