I put a new chip in, a new model too, to try to flash some data.
flashrom got stuck in an unending loop, addressing the same bytes over and over again.
I put my old chip in that had just read fine.
flashrom froze while reading it. No data transferred after some hundred kilobytes in.
I plugged it into the same system it had worked on, and executed the same command from the history. This time, it seemed to work. This system doesn't have any of my coreboot work, though.
(it does have the serialice rom, but it's good to get the tools to seem stable before using them)
The working system also read fine from the new model chip.
I'm noting while it writes that some addresses are changing, and some are not. Maybe it writes to one address to configure writing to another. Hopefully I was just mis-seeing the loop on the same address.
I also saw some "failure" messages during flashing from the failing system.
It looks like it's working.
Basically, I flashed coreboot to one chip and am just using that chip to test.
My main board boots until it gets to PCI scanning and then it freezes after scanning the PCI bus. This is enough functionality to test serialice, but it's frustrating the system doesn't work.
I tried the other board and it fried my serial adapter on boot, which is worrying. I'm lucky I have a spare.