On 10/30/2017 09:22 AM, John Newman wrote:
I'm awfully fond of Blade Runner and The Man In The High Castle, but A Scanner Darkly FTW IMO: Keanu Reeves says he studied his lines straight out of a paperback copy of the novel.
That movie is fuckin awesome. I think it's also my favorite book by Dick.. he got a lot of it so right because he was a speed freak there for a good while, I think :P
For those that enjoyed the Scanner Darkly film, Linklater did another film in a very similar animated style called "Waking Life" a few years before ASD came out, and it was great.
The thing about Blade Runner is... its not a whole lot like the book.
That's a common syndrome with PKD novels made into films, with the notable exceptions of A Scanner Darkly. It should come as no surprise that Dick is popular in present company... http://pilobilus.net/xfer/PKD-Howto.jpg :o)