On Sat, Mar 14, 2020 at 06:40:08PM -0300, Punk-Stasi 2.0 wrote:
On Sat, 14 Mar 2020 15:31:26 -0500 "\\0xDynamite" <dreamingforward@gmail.com> wrote:
Corona is a Biblical event.
That's the perfect conclusion for this fine mailing list, whose content is mostly :
1) technofascist spam - yeah, 'technology' is 'liberating' humanity
2) CIA spam against 'sexual predators' and assange
3) grarpamp SPAM - that's just plain...jewtube link spam - I'd love to know how much jewtube pays for every link the grarpamp bots spams.
4) CIA-KGB spam from zerohedge
5) kkkristian spam against satanic sex cults
6) seasonal flu hysteria spam
7) more random spam
Did I miss any piece of valuable spam? Notice that none of the people who post spam actually can argue anything. They just copy-paste copypasta.
Yes agent young, your gallant fight against 'sexual predators' will earn you a new CIA medal!
Headlines: Most List-wide Spam Objections EVER Global Anti-spam outrage at Historic Levels Lack of content in Life leaves Millions depressed - Porn Hub offers Free Premium Subscriptions for a monkh Shocking and Triggering Headlines top Unprecedented Volumes Daily - Logic Itself CRASHES, levels not seen since 1929! Doom and Gloom IMPOSSIBLE to sell without RECORD Satire Inclusions Smiles Withering as Comedy Dies In Darkness .. so sad! Front Running EVERYthing now OUTLAWED, humans to Stay Home Forever (watching free porn on unlimited internet) ;)