B is an experimentee.
C is a new worker.
B: There's only one way to skin a cat.
C: Only one way? What is it?
B: You mind control to have huge urges around cats being skinned. Publish videogames and movies, send subliminal messages everywhere. If anybody talks about it as being bad, have them disreputed and killed.
C: And if you don't want to skin a cat? What do you do then?
B: Umm, figure out how to overthrow your government and take down your local megacorporations by cat skinning.
D [bursts through the door, wearing official outfit and gun]: Hey! What are you all talking about?
C: Skinning cats!
D: I was thinking about overthrowing governments, sounds cool right?
B: Oh yeah, we found that when we skin cats, it makes it so easy to take down big governments and businesses!
D: And what is your name? How many cats have you skinned? Where are these cats now?