So, with all the -potential- problems that could conceivably come down the line, such as for a random sample: - compulsory vaccinations - vaccination / immunity certificates - the roboticization of all manufacturing/ very few jobs - work licenses - extended lock downs - recurring lock downs - elimination of cash - martial law - fines for hugging - centralisation of everything - all assets/infrastructure/companies/etc owned by the powers that be (the banks) - UBI/ socialist/ communist universal basic income/ minimal motivation for anyone to do anything - apps for all the above/ - panopticon/ universal tracking/monitoring/reporting - report thy neighbour - internal/ inter-state passports/ "papers please" - ?moar? ... and the many doomsayers, it is easy to imagine the worst. So the above and other problems may have solutions - now is as good a time as any to start thinking - really, seriously contemplating on these types of problems, and possible pathways for potential solutions, should any particular "problem" be imposed upon you and yours. Please, for the good of us all, do report back on your thoughts. Yet, let's also take a moment to be grateful for the present state of affairs: - We don't have world war 3 - thank you Putin, and thankfully the Chinese without Russia will rightfully refrain from a military war with USA. This is really good news. - Instead of World War 3, we have a global virus related lock down - you can thank Chinese policy of "denial and hide it" for this one. - And bonus of bonuses, either the virus is not overly lethal to non-Asians, or the lock down is having the desired inhibitory effect. - And further, should a really contagious virus try to hit "us" in the coming years, if nothing else we are in the midst of a genuine drill or practice run, and should be far better prepared than we would be otherwise. - Various steps towards nationalisation/ re-instrialization (e.g. under the War Powers Act in the US etc) are being taken based on abundant self evident necessity - if The Shit Really Really Had Hit The Fan, the West was in a rather shitty place - globalist inter-dependency means each nation makes just a few things, and everybody trades to get those things they don't make, like face masks, ventilators and other medical equipment for one totally random example ;) - We are hopefully moving toward a nationalism/re-industrialization, without a new world war and without a manic fascist clique marching one country into war with the whole world - seriously, the present situation is a more peaceful pathway. There are even possibilities that the USA, having drawn down from and handed over a few military bases in Iraq (to the Iraqis), might see the wisdom in something of a debt jubilee and release Iraq from the interest payments for the war debt - the conqueror/USA, demands of its now client state Iraq, financial reparations - this is the spoils of war, literally - to continue suppression of Iraq at this point appears somewhat petty, self defeating, and demonstrative of an ugly and arrogant bully rather than a nation of moral standing. Ok, ok, many will say the USA has no moral standing left to speak of - well there's no reason to not at least begin to rebuild a moral standing, notwithstanding its past imperialism (I'm hopeful that "past" is going to shortly become the correct term here). China is now on the hook for some substantial financial reparations for this COVID-19 fiasco of information suppression and initial denial, so perhaps the CCP will see the wisdom of shifting towards a "share information openly first" principle, at least when it comes to virological matters which have global effects; a lot of humans the world over are just a teeny tiny bit pissed off at China's present approach to "protect the image of the CCP at all costs" right about now. One suspects China learns about breaking long term contracts too - you wanna break your globalist contract and raise a military despite promises to remain peaceful? Change is afoot and ledgers shall be reconciled in time. Now, for all Huwaite fellas: Trump might just be an orange egotistical nihilist bastard, but he's OUR orange egotistical nihilist bastard! Trump's stand for us White fellas has appeared flimsy and backflipping at times (well, much of time tbh), but "well sheeit" he's still alive! And that's more than you can bloody well say for JFK... so, let's be grateful already: From that epic of all moment's "'cause you'd be in jail" (putting the war monger from hell permanently on the back foot) and our shared and utterly epic meme wars which ripped a new space time continuum in the overton window TYVFM Pepe and the Grittys :D , we have the possibility of a future worth living, worth being productive within, and to start, we see Western nations jumping on the bandwagon to re-fuel the bottom of the pyramid/hierarchy, e.g.: Germany Announces "Limitless" Aid Program For Small Business: SBA Are You Listening? Mon, 04/06/2020 - 09:55 https://www.zerohedge.com/markets/germany-announces-limitless-aid-program-sm... .. this morning we got confirmation of that when Angela Merkel’s government announced a new "limitless" aid program for small- and medium-sized companies (note: not a bailout of Germany's mega corporations) as part of an effort to support Europe’s largest economy in the coronavirus pandemic. Merkel's government will provide guarantees of as much as 100%, German Finance Minister Olaf Scholz announced at a joint press conference with Economy Minister Peter Altmaier Monday, Bloomberg reports, adding that loans of up to 800,000 euros ($862,000) that will pay out very quickly will be available. An open note to Andrew Anglin: How fast do you want to see North America re-nationalize/ re-industrialize? Take notice muffas, the top of the pyramid has evidently spoken, and are aware that total domination by total leeching (hedge funds), as seen in Greece, results in total loss of motivation and productivity - take away a people's dignity (buy all the Greek icons such as shipping ports), spit on their sovereignty (NATO and EU's support of Turkey's military invasion and partition of Cypress), and reduce them to poorperdom (impose massive austerity), and you get the result you got - a nation of people who gave up, sit on their balconies, sometimes pray, and hope for a better day. A strong pyramid requires a strong base, and that base must be kept strong, not leeched into oblivion by hedge funds. If you struggle to see this, look at the obvious: The system of hedge fund leeching of the world, sucking the marrow of all nations and gutting the bulk of the pyramid (i.e. all but the top 1%), leaves you with a decimated world (Western world, in terms of e.g. manufacturing, jobs, middle class etc) which "owes" you half a quintillion dollars (literally - that's 500 -trillion- dollars), but since that world is decimated, there's a) no chance in hell that debt is EVER gonna be paid, and b) no motivation within the decimated population to even try. So how do you cash in on 500 trillion dollars in this situation? You can't. As Trump learnt, if you owe the bank a billion dollars, you are the one in the controlling seat (if you can't be bothered, you go bankrupt, if it will work for you, you might actually try to make it work, and thus that billion dollar debt becomes worth something to the bank). Oh how the mighty fall. The above might seem obvious in hindsight, but the obvious ain't always obvious to those who ought know better - whose job it is (or is suposed to be) to know these things, like say the guys at the top of the pyramid who hold that 500 trillion dollars of debt. Insert here a very wry smile at Monty Burns. So take heart, hold true, don't sell your Soul, and let's create our shared world,