A warning to all Swedes and visitors to Sweden - by entering the Swedish "police no-go zones", you would be literally taking your life into your own hands and exposing yourself to street bralls, stalking, potential rape, knives and guns (and hand grenages are apparently very popular in Sweden these days), and so it would be utterly foolish, and not advisable, to enter such areas with a few mates, because THE SWEDISH POLICE WILL NOT come into these areas to save your stupid arse! You will be on your own! And a further WARNING: about 80% of Swedish police are seriously considering resigning things are so bad that civil war may break out sooner rather than later: https://bbs.dailystormer.com/t/sweden-police-no-go-zones-lawless-free-for-al... Do NOT be foolhardy! The Swedish police will NOT enter these areas, and so you are risking your life, or worse, by entering such areas of Sweden! You have been warned.