' . . . The Rat loved the Revevilgod, and they probably should be friends, or they could be co-workers.Because their governments don't love Assange.I understand that they are still butthurt because Assange has leaked the secrets of the governments . . . " If Evil God scribbled that Qanon, Catholic, Nazi gibberish then he qualifies as a Nazbol ( Marxist-communist-Nazi-fascist ) We would be mortal enemies. If he's propagating it like he believes it I declare him my enemy - albeit a self-destructive one. " Their governments " assumes facts not in evidence. I haven't voted since 1977 and its supposedly compulsory here. And there's no evidence Evil God has anything to do with govt. Unless its through Marjorie Taylor Greene. Assange said publicly he respects govt privacy. The onus is on his deadender Manson-like followers to explain comments like this . . . "... Mr Assange agreed that some level of privacy was necessary for the successful operation of the military ..." http://www.abc.net.au/radionational/programs/drive/assange-i-can-rule-from-o... JULIAN " ‘[The military] protects the sovereignty of Australia. It protects the independence of Australia.' ASSANGE July, 2013 Repeating a lie and hoping it will take is part of Marxist socialist and National socialist praxis. It should have no place in any self-respecting anarchists space. Nancy-Spungen, Zeynep A-hole is serial liar - like her Kadet- Nazi-Punk boyfriend . VICIOUS LIARS - GO FUCK YOURSELVES!