>=2 dropped

(oops, i had to go to court for a ticket, the insurance company wouldn’t confirm my insurance and i had to provide alternative proof to the prosecutor)

“do you know what traffick boss does to people who oppose him in court?”
 “what does he do?”
“i don’t know. he probably ignores court and trusts dictatorsoft to protect him whatever he does. but he _might_ glare at the opposition as if he was torturing and vivisecting them!”
 “oh no!!!!”
“i know!! i wouldn’t know what to do!!” 


the theory behind this one is that the torture and vivisecting is part of what i know understand—
(—psychological programming/engineering or ritual abuse,
and is paired with learned behaviors, for me (although i had something different) it is very quick and surprising, so it is for all the characters too (but it’s interesting in this scene that this is said to be a common scenario))
(so basically it causes a body and belief takeover with the behaviors learned to avoid the severe trauma. this is why it is undue influence to allow a perpetrator to prime his lawyer with things to say to a victim in court, but this isn’t legally recognised yet because everybody is triggered by arguing for it (quick guesses of 
mine after one exposure (here my device powered itself off suddenly and a little was filled in from memory and continued later, some content lost))

(further content dropped