On 1/6/20 7:47 PM, \0xDynamite wrote:
You'll notice whose prominently missing from this convo.
Jim Bell.
Know why?
He didn't really want an answer.
He wants a reason to be paranoid.
Nutjob You shouldn't be so quick to judge, from afar, at that. In times of confusion and disease, nothing can be certain without doing the work.
Have you done the work?
I think John's posting of Tim's email pretty much resolved it. Anyone who expects a US public (or private) server owner not to obey a US court order's instructions is too stupid to be using a computer on the internet. Tim wasn't stupid. He wasn't riseup and neither are the pglaf people who operate this one as what appears to be, overall, a spam catching machine. I wonder sometimes if the relevant people who analyze spam email for a living use these archives for research data. It's not much different than the tattered, abused, remnants of the former almighty USNet newsgroups. Rr Rr