On Thu, Sep 08, 2016 at 01:34:54AM -0000, Cypher Piggie wrote:
a Statist Pig
Ever wonder why he knows statism better than any knowledge he ever try to make talk about anarchia here... cuz he love his USA, like every usa person... its all he know.
Well from what I be seein for nigh on 2 years now, if that be true, then Juan has a heart to love. If you really gonna XKeyScore slap him publicly for his anti-auntie "bitch" talk, this gonna be some Royal Fun (TM) :D Expose yourselves fuckers, expose yourselves. We lovin' every bit of it. If your "juanie boy" be an ex-USA man, perhaps even an ex-intelligencia man, more power to him! And note this well: If your implications be true, you ain't 10% of the man Juan has become. And Rayzer. And John Young. And Tim May and all the other punks who grew some fuckin balls. That's it .. cringe away in your cowardly secrecy holes, abusing your anonymity, boy, abusing your "intelligence" agency powers cause you're all butt hurt, boy. Find your soul already.