On Thu, 26 Nov 2020 08:06:15 +0000 (UTC) professor rat <pro2rat@yahoo.com.au> wrote:
There is certainly something to overthrowing the govt first. But we have that covered with the deadpool on the POTUS running every year for the last 23 years. " Collapse of govts ' is a well known part of crypto-anarchy - and anarchism itself going back to 1847!
really? what happened in 1847? the rothschilds founded and funded The Anarchist Party? anyway, you keep mentioning stiffs.com which is a joke site. So I guess you're implicitly admiting that jim bell's AP is a joke. Not to mention, stiffs.com doesn't accept bitcoins as far as I can tell, and searching "bitcoin" site:stiffs.com gives exactly 0 hits.
If you ever decide to stop being an ignorant, arrogant eunuch, maybe you'll join the revolution.
haha thanks, I'll stay away from your jew-fascist revolution. Let us know when you move to is-real and how much they pay you for running their palestine concentration camps.
Frankly I hope you don't. Till then, I suppose the least you can do is spin out my threads. Fuck you very much.